metabolic diseases tagged posts

Researchers discover Neurons that Track and Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

picture of a brain neuron
Learning how certain brain neurons sense and react to variations in blood-sugar levels might lead to better diabetes treatments. Getty Images

New research has discovered neurons within the brain that detect and respond to changes in the level of sugar within the bloodstream.

Understanding how this blood sugar detection system works and how these neurocircuits operate would give researchers and doctors greater insights into how our brains regulate our blood sugar, and perhaps, how to target them therapeutically to treat metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity, according to the study authors.

The study was published June 22 online in Diabetes.

“We’ve known for a long time that many neurons can detect sugar locally within the brain,” said Dr...

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Deleting Dysfunctional Cells Alleviates Diabetes

Targeting p21Cip1 highly expressing cells in adipose tissue alleviates insulin resistance in obesity

The discovery could lead to game-changing new treatments for metabolic diseases. Eliminating old, dysfunctional cells in human fat also alleviates signs of diabetes, researchers from UConn Health report. The discovery could lead to new treatments for Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

The cells in your body are constantly renewing themselves, with older cells aging and dying as new ones are being born. But sometimes that process goes awry. Occasionally damaged cells linger. Called senescent cells, they hang around, acting as a bad influence on other cells nearby...

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