Meteorites plus Gamma Rays tagged posts

Meteorites plus Gamma Rays could have given Earth the Building Blocks for Life

Close up of chondrite meteorite, an orange and grey rock
The building blocks of life, amino acids, could have been formed in early meteorites, such as the one shown here.
Credit: abriendomundo/

Even as detailed images of distant galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope show us more of the greater universe, scientists still disagree about how life began here on Earth. One hypothesis is that meteorites delivered amino acids – life’s building blocks – to our planet. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have experimentally shown that amino acids could have formed in these early meteorites from reactions driven by gamma rays produced inside the space rocks.

Ever since Earth was a newly formed, sterile planet, meteorites have been hurtling through the atmosphere at high speeds toward its surface...

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