Mg2SiO4 tagged posts

Lasers Melt Rocks to reveal development of Super-Earths and how giant impacts make Magma

High-powered lasers melt mineral for planet formation experiments. Researchers observed the melting of forsterite, the most common constituent of Earth's mantle, to understand how the cores of planets form and develop. The laser is able to create pressures representative of the extreme collisions between objects in space. The target is a 4 millimeter square. Al is aluminum and Qz is quartz. Image by Toshimori Sekine, Hiroshima University. Image may only be re-used with attribution. Credit: Image courtesy of Hiroshima University

High-powered lasers melt mineral for planet formation experiments. Researchers observed the melting of forsterite, the most common constituent of Earth’s mantle, to understand how the cores of planets form and develop. The laser is able to create pressures representative of the extreme collisions between objects in space. The target is a 4 millimeter square. Al is aluminum and Qz is quartz. Image by Toshimori Sekine, Hiroshima University. Image may only be re-used with attribution. Credit: Image courtesy of Hiroshima University

New experiments provide insight into how Earth-type planets form when giant asteroids or planetesimals collide and how the interiors of such planets develop...

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