microarray platform. By means of polymer pen lithography tagged posts

Detecting Cancer Cells before they form Metastases

Target cells (green) stick to the microarray platform (red). Credit: Michael Hirtz / KIT

Target cells (green) stick to the microarray platform (red). Credit: Michael Hirtz / KIT

To date, it has been difficult to detect cancer cells in the blood at an early stage: about 1 malignant cell is encountered per billion of healthy cells. “Detection of cancer cells in blood in the early stage of a disease is difficult, because concentrations of the cancer cells are extremely small,” Harald Fuchs explains. “We are searching for the needles in the haystack.” The number of extracted tumor cells allows conclusions to be drawn with respect to the success of therapy and the future course of the disease. Genetic analysis of cells allows therapies to be adapted to the type of cancer to be treated.

“With our method, we reach a very high hit rate: More than 85% of the extracted cells really are ...

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