Microbial Life from 3 billion years ago tagged posts

Researchers find Evidence of Cavity-Dwelling Microbial Life from 3 billion years ago

Researchers find evidence of cavity-dwelling microbial life from 3 billion years ago

Raman micro-spectroscopy. A, B: Thin section photomicrographs (left) and corresponding Raman intensity maps (right) of the silicified cavities showing the downward-oriented accretion and the kerogenous composition of the dark laminae. Red colors indicate kerogen-rich areas. C: Representative first-order Raman spectrum of the kerogen with the characteristic disordered peaks for amorphous carbon (D and D’) and the graphite peak (G). Credit: Geology (2016). DOI: 10.1130/G37272.1

A team of researchers from Germany and Switzerland has found examples of microbial life from >3B yrs ago, that appeared to have evaded UV radiation hiding in subsurface cavities. Scientists believe that life first came to exist on planet Earth ~3...

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