microchips tagged posts

Quantum Physics sets a Speed Limit to Electronics

An ultra short laser pulse (blue) creates free charge carriers, another pulse (red) accelerates them in opposite directions.

Semiconductor electronics is getting faster and faster — but at some point, physics no longer permits any increase. The speed can definitely not be increased beyond one petahertz (one million gigahertz), even if the material is excited in an optimal way with laser pulses.

How fast can electronics be? When computer chips work with ever shorter signals and time intervals, at some point they come up against physical limits. The quantum-mechanical processes that enable the generation of electric current in a semiconductor material take a certain amount of time. This puts a limit to the speed of signal generation and signal transmission.

TU Wien (Vienna), TU Gra...

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Researchers aim for Spintronic Applications thanks to great Leap Forward

Researchers created sample devices to aid researchers explore potential applications.

Electric currents drive all our electronic devices. The emerging field of spintronics looks to replace electric currents with what are known as spin currents. Researchers from the University of Tokyo have made a breakthrough in this area. Their discovery of the magnetic spin Hall effect could lead to low-power, high-speed and high-capacity devices. They have created sample devices which can further research into potential applications.

“Electricity lit up the world and electronics connected it,” says Professor Yoshichika Otani from the Institute for Solid State Physics. “Spintronics will be the next step forward in this procession and we can only imagine what advances it may bring.”

So wha...

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New Industrial possibilities for Nanoporous Thin Films

The 3D structure of the metal-organic framework used in this study. The nanopores are represented as yellow balls. Credit: Image courtesy of KU Leuven

The 3D structure of the metal-organic framework used in this study. The nanopores are represented as yellow balls. Credit: Image courtesy of KU Leuven

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a new type of materials with nanoscale pores. Bioscience engineers have now developed an alternative method that produces these materials in the form of very thin films, so that they can easily be used for high-tech applications such as microchips.

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a recently developed type of materials that consist of a nanoporous grid of both organic molecules and metal ions. MOFs take shape as the organic molecules push the metal ions apart, so that a regular pattern of tiny holes or nanopores develops. The size of the pores can be tuned at the nanoscale level...

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