microgravity printer tagged posts

Engineers send 3D Printer into Space

Spaceflight feather, as viewed aboard VSS Unity on June 8, 2024. The Virgin Galactic 07 flight carried Berkeley’s SpaceCal 3D printer and four other research payloads.

Imagine a crew of astronauts headed to Mars. About 140 million miles away from Earth, they discover their spacecraft has a cracked O-ring. But instead of relying on a dwindling cache of spare parts, what if they could simply fabricate any part they needed on demand?

A team of Berkeley researchers, led by Ph.D. student Taylor Waddell, may have taken a giant leap toward making this option a reality. On June 8, they sent their 3D printing technology to space for the first time as part of the Virgin Galactic 07 mission.

Their next-generation microgravity printer—dubbed SpaceCAL—spent 140 seconds in suborbital space while aboard the VSS Unity space plane...

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