microhomology-mediated end-joining tagged posts

Unsilencing Silenced Genes by CRISPR/Cas9

Seven days after OLIG2 was switched on, cultured human stem cells started expressing neuronal marker gene (red). Credit: Hokkaido University; Copyright image

Seven days after OLIG2 was switched on, cultured human stem cells started expressing neuronal marker gene (red). Credit: Hokkaido University; Copyright image

Scientists have developed a new technique to unleash silenced genes and change cell fates using CRISPR/Cas9. The ability to control gene expression in cells allows scientists to understand gene function and manipulate cell fate. Gene-editing tool CRIPSR/Cas9, employs a system naturally used by bacteria as protection against viruses. The tool allows scientists to precisely add, remove or replace specific parts of DNA. CRISPR/Cas9 is the most efficient, inexpensive and easiest gene-editing tool available to date. However, scientists have not yet managed to effectively use it to activate genes in the cells.

A team, led by Toru Kondo at H...

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