Microlensing tagged posts

Einstein’s Cross under the Gravitational Microlens

Einstein’s Cross. Credit: Image courtesy of Asociación RUVID

Einstein’s Cross. Credit: Image courtesy of Asociación RUVID

The Spanish interuniversity group has obtained precise measurements for the innermost region of a disc of matter in orbital motion around a supermassive black hole tucked inside the quasar known as Einstein’s Cross (Q2237-0305). It constitutes the most precise set of measurements achieved to date for such a small and distant object, and was made possible thanks to years of monitoring as part of the OGLE and GLITP gravitational microlensing projects, which have had their lenses trained on this quasar for 12 and 9 years, respectively.

Typically, astronomers can only detect bright objects that emit a lot of light or large objects that block background light...

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