microwave radiometer tagged posts

Juno Peers Deep into Jupiter’s Colorful Belts and Zones

Juno peers deep into Jupiter's colourful belts and zones
Artist’s impression based on JunoCam image of Jupiter acquired on July 21, 2021. Enhanced to highlight features, clouds, colours, and the beauty of Jupiter. Credit: NASA/SwRI/MSSS/Tanya Oleksuik

Leicester study of data captured in orbit around Jupiter has revealed new insights into what’s happening deep beneath the gas giant’s distinctive and colourful bands.

Data from the microwave radiometer carried by NASA’s Juno spacecraft shows that Jupiter’s banded pattern extends deep below the clouds, and that the appearance of Jupiter’s belts and zones inverts near the base of the water clouds. Microwave light allows planetary scientists to gaze deep beneath Jupiter’s colourful clouds, to understand the weather and climate in the warmer, darker, deeper layers.

At altitudes shallower than...

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How a NASA Scientist looks in the Depths of the Great Red Spot to find Water on Jupiter

The Great Red Spot is the dark patch in the middle of this infrared image. It is dark due to the thick clouds that block thermal radiation. The yellow strip denotes the portion of the Great Red Spot used in astrophysicist Gordon L. Bjoraker's analysis. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Gordon Bjoraker

The Great Red Spot is the dark patch in the middle of this infrared image. It is dark due to the thick clouds that block thermal radiation. The yellow strip denotes the portion of the Great Red Spot used in astrophysicist Gordon L. Bjoraker’s analysis.
Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Gordon Bjoraker

One critical question has bedeviled astronomers for generations: Is there water deep in Jupiter’s atmosphere, and if so, how much? Gordon L. Bjoraker, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, reported in a recent paper in the Astronomical Journal that he and his team have brought the Jovian research community closer to the answer.

By looking from ground-based telescopes at wavelengths sensitive to thermal radiation leaking from the depths of Jupi...

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