middle temporal gyrus tagged posts

Studies of Epilepsy patients uncover clues to how the Brain Stores and Retrieves Memories

Scientists at NIH used electrical recordings to study how the human brain remembers. Credit: Courtesy of Zaghloul lab, NIH/NINDS

Scientists at NIH used electrical recordings to study how the human brain remembers.
Credit: Courtesy of Zaghloul lab, NIH/NINDS

In a pair of studies, scientists at the National Institutes of Health explored how the human brain remembers. One study suggests that the brain etches each memory into unique firing patterns of individual neurons. Meanwhile, the second study suggests that the brain replays memories faster than they are stored. The studies were led by Kareem Zaghloul, M.D., Ph.D., a neurosurgeon-researcher at the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Persons with drug resistant epilepsy in protocols studying surgical resection of their seizure focus at the NIH’s Clinical Center enrolled in this study. To help locate the source of the seizures, Dr...

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