minize preterm births tagged posts

Lab on a Chip designed to Minimize Preterm Births

Integrated electrokinetically driven microfluidic devices with pH-mediated solid-phase extraction coupled to microchip electrophoresis for preterm birth biomarkers. ELECTROPHORESIS, 2017; DOI: 10.1002/elps.201700054

Integrated electrokinetically driven microfluidic devices with pH-mediated solid-phase extraction coupled to microchip electrophoresis for preterm birth biomarkers. ELECTROPHORESIS, 2017; DOI: 10.1002/elps.201700054

With help from a palm-sized plastic rectangle with a few pinholes in it, Brigham Young University researchers are hoping to minimize the problem of premature deliveries. The small chip – integrated microfluidic device, predicts with up to 90% accuracy, a woman’s risk for a future preterm birth. “It’s like we’re shrinking a whole laboratory and fitting it into one small microchip,” said BYU chemistry Ph.D. student Mukul Sonker.

In the US alone, a half million babies are born preterm; worldwide, the number is an estimated 15 million...

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