‘missing link’ in Titan’s one-of-a-kind chemistry tagged posts

Mystery of Saturn’s moon Titan’s Atmospheric Haze

The atmospheric haze of Titan, Saturn's largest moon (pictured here along Saturn's midsection), is captured in this natural-color image (box at left). A new study, which involved experiments at Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source, has provided new clues about the chemical steps that may have produced this haze. Credit: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Space Science Institute, Caltech

The atmospheric haze of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon (pictured here along Saturn’s midsection), is captured in this natural-color image (box at left). A new study, which involved experiments at Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source, has provided new clues about the chemical steps that may have produced this haze.
Credit: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Space Science Institute, Caltech

A team of scientists homes in on a ‘missing link’ in Titan’s one-of-a-kind chemistry. Experiments have helped scientists to zero in on a low-temperature chemical mechanism that may help to explain the complex molecular compounds that make up the nitrogen-rich haze layer surrounding Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is unique among all moons in our solar system for its dense and nitroge...

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