more than Moore tagged posts

World’s 1st Integrated Flexoelectric Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) on Silicon has been released

Schematic comparing flexoelectric actuation and piezoelectric bimorph actuation in nanoscale actuators.

Schematic comparing flexoelectric actuation and piezoelectric bimorph actuation in nanoscale actuators.

They have found that, at the nanoscale, the desirable attributes of flexoelectricity are maintained, while the figure of merit (bending curvature divided by electric field applied) of their first prototype is already comparable to that of the state of the art piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers. Additionally, the universality of flexoelectricity implies that all high-k dielectric materials used currently in transistor technology should also be flexoelectric, thus providing an elegant route to integrating “intelligent” electromechanical functionalities within already existing transistor technology.

The information revolution is synonymous with the traditional quest to pack more chips and in...

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