most distant supernova tagged posts

Astronomers Reveal Secrets of Most Distant Supernova ever Detected

Top: Area of sky before the supernova was detected. Bottom: The supernova is detected. Credit: M Smith and DES collaboration

Top: Area of sky before the supernova was detected. Bottom: The supernova is detected.
Credit: M Smith and DES collaboration

An international team led by the University of Southampton has confirmed the discovery of the most distant supernova ever detected – a huge cosmic explosion that took place 10.5 billion years ago, or 3/4 the age of the Universe itself. The exploding star, DES16C2nm, was detected by the Dark Energy Survey (DES), an international collaboration to map several hundred million galaxies in order to find out more about dark energy – the mysterious force believed to be causing the accelerated expansion of the Universe.

As detailed in a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal, light from the event has taken 10...

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