most iron-poor unevolved star tagged posts

Researchers discover a Chemically Primitive Dwarf Star in the Galactic Halo

OSIRIS medium-resolution spectrum of J0815+4729 (black line) and the best fit obtained with FERRE (red line). Credit: Aguado et al., 2017.

OSIRIS medium-resolution spectrum of J0815+4729 (black line) and the best fit obtained with FERRE (red line). Credit: Aguado et al., 2017.

Spanish astronomers have identified a new carbon-rich ultra metal-poor unevolved star in the halo of the Milky Way galaxy. The newly found star, designated J0815+4729, could be the most iron-poor unevolved star known to date. Chemically primitive metal-poor stars are important for studying the conditions in the early universe. Thus, astronomers are interested in identifying more stars of this type and deriving their chemical abundances. Large sample of such stars could be helpful in improving our knowledge about stellar formation and evolution.

Recently, a team led by David S...

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