motion sensors tagged posts

The Mother of all Motion Sensors

1) Sandia National Laboratories’ four-channel, silicon photonic single-sideband modulator chip, measuring 8 millimeters on each side and marked with a green Sandia thunderbird logo, sits inside packaging that incorporates optical fibers, wire bonds and ceramic pins. (Photo by Craig Fritz) Click on the thumbnail for a high-resolution image. 2)Sandia National Laboratories scientist Jongmin Lee, left, prepares a rubidium cold-atom cell for an atom interferometry experiment while scientists Ashok Kodigala, right, and Michael Gehl initialize the controls for a packaged single-sideband modulator chip. (Photo by Craig Fritz) Click on the thumbnail for a high-resolution image.

Quantum sensing milestone draws closer exquisitely accurate, GPS-free navigation...

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New Motion Sensors a major step toward Low-Cost, High-Performance Wearable Technology

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering doctoral candidate Joshua DeGraff developed an advanced of scalable motion sensors using silver ink electrodes and sheets of pure carbon nanotube buckypaper. Credit: FSU Photography Services

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering doctoral candidate Joshua DeGraff developed an advanced class of scalable motion sensors using silver ink electrodes and sheets of pure carbon nanotube buckypaper. Credit: FSU Photography Services

Researchers from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering have developed a class of breakthrough motion sensors that could herald a near future of ubiquitous, fully integrated and affordable wearable technology...

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