MRAM tagged posts

Approaching the Terahertz Regime

(Left) A chaotic greyscale rectangle. (Right) Isometric view of colored layers sandwiched together.
Antiferromagnetic tunneling junction. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy image of the antiferromagnetic junction showing layers of different materials (left). Diagram showing the materials’ magnetic properties (right). ©2023 Nakatsuji et al. CC-BY

Room temperature quantum magnets switch states trillions of times per second. A class of nonvolatile memory devices, called MRAM, based on quantum magnetic materials, can offer a thousandfold performance beyond current state-of-the-art memory devices. The materials known as antiferromagnets were previously demonstrated to store stable memory states, but were difficult to read from. This new study paves an efficient way for reading the memory states, with the potential to do so incredibly quickly too.

You can probably blink...

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Paving the way for Spintronic RAMs: A deeper look into a powerful spin phenomenon

Figure 1. An extremely simple MRAM
An extremely simple MRAM

The proposed combination of materials serves as a memory unit by supporting read and write operations. The spin injection by the topological insulator (TI) material reverses the magnetization of the ferromagnetic (FM) material, representing the “write” operation. Furthermore, the spin injection can also change the overall resistance of the materials, which can be sensed through an external circuit, representing the “read” operation.

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) explore a new material combination that sets the stage for magnetic random access memories, which rely on spin – an intrinsic property of electrons – and could outperform current storage devices...

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A New-Structure Magnetic Memory Device Developed

Schematics of structures for three kinds of spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetization scheme. (a) The first previous structure where the magnetization is perpendicular to the film plane. (b) The second previous structure where the magnetization is in-plane and orthogonal to channel current. (c) The new structure where the magnetization is in-plane and collinear with the current. Credit: Shunsuke Fukami

Schematics of structures for three kinds of spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetization scheme. (a) The first previous structure where the magnetization is perpendicular to the film plane. (b) The second previous structure where the magnetization is in-plane and orthogonal to channel current. (c) The new structure where the magnetization is in-plane and collinear with the current. Credit: Shunsuke Fukami

Researchers have developed a new-structure magnetic memory device utilizing spin-orbit- torque-induced magnetization switching. For these 2 decades, much effort has been devoted to the development of magnetic random access memories, which store information as the magnetization direction of a magnet...

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