MRSA skin infections tagged posts

Microneedle Patch delivers Antibiotics Locally in the Skin

Fingers holding the microneedle patch
The microneedles are so small that they do not reach the pain receptors, making the treatment relatively painless. Photo: Jill Ziesmer

MRSA skin infections are often treated with intravenous injection of antibiotics, which can cause significant side effects and promote the development of resistant bacterial strains. To solve these problems, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden are developing a microneedle patch that delivers antibiotics directly into the affected skin area. New results published in Advanced Materials Technologies show that the microneedle patch effectively reduces MRSA bacteria in the skin.

MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) skin infections are potentially lethal, especially in patients with compromised immune systems...

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