Multifunctional e-glasses tagged posts

Multifunctional e-glasses monitor Health, Protect Eyes, Control Video Games

Smart e-glasses can wirelessly monitor EEG and EOG signals, UV intensity, and body movements, while also acting as sunglasses and a human-machine interface.
Credit: Adapted from ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c03110

Fitness tracker bracelets and watches provide useful information, such as step count and heart rate, but they usually can’t provide more detailed data about the wearer’s health. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces have developed smart electronic glasses (e-glasses) that not only monitor a person’s brain waves and body movements, but also can function as sunglasses and allow users to control a video game with eye motions.

Devices that measure electrical signals from the brain (electroencephalogram; EEG) or eyes (e...

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