Myelin Repair tagged posts

Experimental Drug Speeds up Myelin Repair, Restoring Vision in Mice

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have found a promising drug candidate that could help restore vision in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurological conditions that damage neurons.

The study was published this week in the journal Nature Communications.

The drug, LL-341070, enhances the brain’s ability to repair damaged myelin— the protective sheath around nerve fibers. Damage to myelin is a hallmark of diseases like MS, as well as a natural consequence of aging, often resulting in vision loss, loss of motor skills, and cognitive decline.

The research, focused on vision, demonstrated that while the brain has some ability to repair itself when myelin is damaged, the process can be slow and i...

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Scientists Identify a Key Driver of Myelin Repair

Scientists identify a key driver of myelin repair
Actin filaments (cyan) and an actin regulatory protein (magenta) in a differentiating oligodendrocyte. Credit: Brad Zuchero and Andrew Olson

New research from scientists at the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute at Stanford University has identified a key driver of myelination, the formation of protective fatty sheaths around nerve fibers.

Myelination is essential for the rapid transmission of electrical signals in the brain, facilitating everything from movement to thought. The breakdown or loss of this myelin sheath, as seen in conditions like multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases, leads to significant cognitive and physical impairments.

The new findings have researchers excited about the potential for new avenues of treatment to regrow these insulating sheaths i...

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