n-acetylcysteine (NAC) tagged posts

Natural Molecule could improve Parkinson’s

These are brain scans of a representative patient showing Dopamine transporter binding (red) before and after 3-month NAC treatment. Credit: Thomas Jefferson University

These are brain scans of a representative patient showing Dopamine transporter binding (red) before and after 3-month NAC treatment. Credit: Thomas Jefferson University

n-acetylcysteine (NAC), with strong antioxidant effects, shows potential benefit as part of the management for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Combining clinical evaluations of a patient’s mental and physical abilities with brain imaging studies that tracked the levels of dopamine, the lack of which is thought to cause Parkinson’s, doctors from the Depts of Integrative Medicine, Neurology, and Radiology, at Thomas Jefferson University showed that patients receiving NAC improved on both measures.

Current treatments for Parkinson’s disease are generally limited to temporarily replacing dopamine in the brain as well as some...

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