nanocomposite anode tagged posts

Next-Gen Anode to improve Lithium-ion Batteries

The silicon-tin nanocomposite developed at UCR viewed by high angle angular dark field imaging. The larger green particles are silicon and the smaller red particles are tin. Credit: UC Riverside

The silicon-tin nanocomposite developed at UCR viewed by high angle angular dark field imaging. The larger green particles are silicon and the smaller red particles are tin. Credit: UC Riverside

A new silicon-tin nanocomposite anode could lead to lithium-ion batteries that can be charged and discharged more times before they reach the end of their useful lives. The longer-lasting batteries could be used in everything from handheld electronic devices to electric vehicles.

Lithium-ion batteries, the most popular rechargeable batteries in personal electronics, are composed of 3 main parts: an anode, a cathode, and a lithium salt dissolved in an organic solvent...

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