Nanoelectronics tagged posts

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A new electron-beam (e-beam) technique adds carbon atoms to two-dimensional graphene, the equivalent of “writing” on the surface and controlling the electronic properties at the nanoscale. These electronic properties change over time, which could allow a device to function one way now and another way later – allowing the original information to “disappear.” The schematic shows the ability to draw an electron-rich carbon region (black rectangle labeled “FEBID Carbon”). Carbon deposition is induced near the e-beam and controlled by an electron dose. The atomic force microscopy image of the junction between the graphene domains shows an electron-rich, carbon-enhanced region (left) and electron-deficient region (right). Such a nanoscale junction between domains with different electronic properties could control how a device functions.

A new electron-beam (e-beam) technique adds carbon atoms to two-dimensional graphene, the equivalent of “writing” on the surface and controlling the electronic properties at the nanoscale. These electronic properties change over time, which could allow a device to function one way now and another way later – allowing the original information to “disappear.” The schematic shows the ability to draw an electron-rich carbon region (black rectangle labeled “FEBID Carbon”). Carbon deposition is induced near the e-beam and controlled by an electron dose. The atomic force microscopy image of the junction between the graphene domains shows an electron-rich, carbon-enhanced region (left) and electron-deficient region (right)...

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New Record in Nanoelectronics at Ultralow Temperatures

Dr Jon Prance at the Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre. Credit: Image courtesy of Lancaster University

Dr Jon Prance at the Lancaster Quantum Technology Centre. Credit: Image courtesy of Lancaster University

The 1st ever measurement of the temp of electrons in a nanoelectronic device a few thousandths of a degree above 0K was demonstrated in a joint research project performed by Lancaster University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, and Aivon Ltd. The team managed to make the electrons in a circuit on a silicon chip colder than had previously been achieved. Dr Rich Haley said: “This is a notable achievement in that the team has finally broken through the 4 millikelvin barrier, which has been the record in such structures for over 15 years.”

Although it has long been possible to cool samples of bulk metals even below 1 millikelvin, it has proved very difficult to transfer this t...

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