Nanolaser tagged posts

Spaser can detect, Kill Circulating Tumor Cells to prevent Cancer Metastases, study finds

(a) Schematic of spaser as multimodal cellular nanoprobe. (b) Comparison of emission in suspensions of uranine spaser at 528 m (green peak; pump energy fluence 70 mJ cm−2), fluorescein spaser (magenta peak), QD with maximum at 576 nm (inset, red peak) and GNRs (right) with silica shell doped with DCM. TEM images shows 22-nm spaser (left inset) and GNRs (right inset).

Spacer Parameters (a) Schematic of spaser as multimodal cellular nanoprobe. (b) Comparison of emission in suspensions of uranine spaser at 528 m (green peak; pump energy fluence 70 mJ cm−2), fluorescein spaser (magenta peak), QD with maximum at 576 nm (inset, red peak) and GNRs (right) with silica shell doped with DCM. TEM images shows 22-nm spaser (left inset) and GNRs (right inset).

A nanolaser known as the spaser can serve as a super-bright, water-soluble, biocompatible probe capable of finding metastasized cancer cells in the blood stream and then killing these cells, according to a new research study...

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Silicon Chip with Integrated Laser: Light from a Nanowire: Nanolaser for information technology

Gallium-arsenide nanowires are on a silicon surface. Credit: Thomas Stettner/Philipp Zimmermann / TUM

Gallium-arsenide nanowires are on a silicon surface. Credit: Thomas Stettner/Philipp Zimmermann / TUM

Physicists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a nanolaser, a thousand times thinner than a human hair. Thanks to an ingenious process, the nanowire lasers grow right on a silicon chip, making it possible to produce high-performance photonic components cost-effectively. This will pave the way for fast and efficient data processing with light in the future. Ever smaller, ever faster, ever cheaper – since the start of the computer age the performance of processors has doubled on average every 18 months. 50 years ago already, Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore prognosticated this astonishing growth in performance. And Moore’s law seems to hold true to this day.

But the mi...

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