NASA tagged posts

Imagine having a robotic hand. Robo-Glove is one of the technologies helping our Journey To Mars and people on Earth.


Researchers at the NASA Johnson Space Center in collaboration with General Motors have designed and developed Robo-Glove, a wearable human grasp assist device, to help reduce the grasping force needed to operate tools for an extended time or for repetitive motion tasks. This wearable device allows the user to tightly grip tools and other items for longer periods of time without experiencing muscle discomfort or strain. The Robo-Glove also has potential applications in prosthetic devices, rehabilitation aids, and people with impaired or limited arm and hand muscle strength.

The Robo-Glove is a patented technology available for commercial technology licensing. For more information about Robo-Glove and other technology license opportunities, visit:

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Study Finds Indian, Pacific Oceans Temporarily Hide Global Warming

A new NASA study of ocean temperature measurements shows in recent years extra heat from greenhouse gases has been trapped in the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Researchers say this shifting pattern of ocean heat accounts for the slowdown in the global surface temperature trend observed during the past decade. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), CA, found a specific layer of the Indian and Pacific oceans between 300 and 1,000 ft below the surface has been accumulating more heat than previously recognized. They also found warm water movt has affected surface temps.

“Greenhouse gases continued to trap extra heat (in the 20th century), but for about 10 years starting in the early 2000s, global average surface temperature stopped climbing, and even cooled a bit,” said Willis...

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