natural language processing tagged posts

A New Large-Scale Simulation Platform to Train Robots on Everyday Tasks

A new large-scale simulation platform to train robots on everyday tasks
RoboCasa is a simulation framework for training generalist robot agents. Image credits: Yuke Zhu and Soroush Nasiriany.

The performance of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, including large computational models for natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision algorithms, has been rapidly improving over the past decades. One reason for this is that datasets to train these algorithms have exponentially grown, collecting hundreds of thousands of images and texts often collected from the internet.

Training data for robot control and planning algorithms, on the other hand, remains far less abundant, in part because acquiring it is not as straightforward...

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Two Artificial Intelligences Talk to Each Other

Two artificial intelligences talk to each other
Tasks and models. Credit: Nature Neuroscience (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01607-5

Performing a new task based solely on verbal or written instructions, and then describing it to others so that they can reproduce it, is a cornerstone of human communication that still resists artificial intelligence (AI).

A team from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) has succeeded in modeling an artificial neural network capable of this cognitive prowess. After learning and performing a series of basic tasks, this AI was able to provide a linguistic description of them to a “sister” AI, which in turn performed them. These promising results, especially for robotics, are published in Nature Neuroscience.

Performing a new task without prior training, on the sole basis of verbal or written instruc...

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