neural networks tagged posts

AI Shines a New Light on Exoplanets

Comparison of the solution from the scattering PINN with a higher accuracy PINN with fixed parameters. Credit: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2024). DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stae1872

Researchers from LMU, the ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), and the ORIGINS Data Science Lab (ODSL) have made an important breakthrough in the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres.

Using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), they have managed to model the complex light scattering in the atmospheres of exoplanets with greater precision than has previously been possible.

This method opens up new opportunities for the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres, especially with regard to the influence of clouds, and could significantly improv...

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Neural Networks Made of Light

Artistic illustration of a neuromorphic system of waveguides carrying light.© Clara Wanjura

Scientists propose a new way of implementing a neural network with an optical system which could make machine learning more sustainable in the future. The researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have published their new method in Nature Physics, demonstrating a method much simpler than previous approaches.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly widespread with applications ranging from computer vision to text generation, as demonstrated by ChatGPT. However, these complex tasks require increasingly complex neural networks; some with many billion parameters...

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Neural Networks made of Light: Research team develops AI System in Optical Fibers

Neural networks made of light: Research team develops AI system in optical fibers
System training and solving the n-bit parity problem. A) Flowchart of the digital processing layers to interpret the system readout. The training is performed offline using bin selection and linear regression. A simple search algorithm iterates through different frequency bin combinations (see Experimental Section). For each combination, linear regression is used to predict the label (or value) of an inference task. The prediction error was estimated through cross-validation of subsets of the training data. The best-performing combination of bins (i.e., lowest loss) defines an inference-ready system configuration. B) Experimentally measured operation fidelity associated with the n-bit parity problem for increasing bit length and system nonlinearity...
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Robot ‘Chef’ Learns to Recreate Recipes from Watching Food Videos

Researchers have trained a robotic ‘chef’ to watch and learn from cooking videos, and recreate the dish itself.

The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, programmed their robotic chef with a ‘cookbook’ of eight simple salad recipes. After watching a video of a human demonstrating one of the recipes, the robot was able to identify which recipe was being prepared and make it.

In addition, the videos helped the robot incrementally add to its cookbook. At the end of the experiment, the robot came up with a ninth recipe on its own. Their results, reported in the journal IEEE Access, demonstrate how video content can be a valuable and rich source of data for automated food production, and could enable easier and cheaper deployment of robot chefs.

Robotic chefs have been fe...

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