Neuroinflammatory diseases tagged posts

Researchers discover ‘Trojan Horse’ Virus Hiding in Human Parasite

Apocryptovirus odysseus (Ao) genome. From (rnaspades 3.15.5) assembly of the Ngô RNA sequencing dataset (SRR1205923), we recovered a high-coverage (123× coverage) RdRp-encoding contig, and identified a second correlated contig of likely viral origin. Contig 2 (279× coverage) contains two putative ORFs: pORF1 and pORF2, but these ORFs do not have identifiable homologs via BLASTp in the non-redundant and transcriptome shotgun assembly databases (date accessed: June 2023), TBLASTN with the nucleotide database, or by InterProScan or HHpred (date accessed: June 2023). Inlay, unbranched assembly graphs (Bandage 0.8.1) of both contigs confirmed a linear genome structure.
Apocryptovirus odysseus (Ao) genome. From (RNASPADES 3.15.5) assembly of the Ngô RNA sequencing dataset (SRR1205923), we recovered a high-coverage (123× coverage) RdRp-encoding contig, and identified a second correlated contig of likely viral origin. Contig 2 (279× coverage) contains two putative ORFs: pORF1 and pORF2, but these ORFs do not have identifiable homologs via BLASTp in the non-redundant and transcriptome shotgun assembly databases (date accessed: June 2023), TBLASTN with the nucleotide database, or by InterProScan or HHpred (date accessed: June 2023). Inlay, unbranched assembly graphs (Bandage 0.8.1) of both contigs confirmed a linear genome structure.

An international team led by researchers at the University of Toronto has found a new RNA virus that they believe is h...

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Pain is not just a Matter of Nerves

There are a few different types of glia in the brain: oligodendrocytes, microglia, and astrocytes. Each is needed to optimize brain function. Oligodendrocytes are specialized cells that wrap tightly around axons to form the myelin sheath. These cells speed up the electrical signals (action potentials) that travel down an axon. Without oligodendrocytes, an action potential would travel down an axon 30 times slower!

There are a few different types of glia in the brain: oligodendrocytes, microglia, and astrocytes. Each is needed to optimize brain function. Oligodendrocytes are specialized cells that wrap tightly around axons to form the myelin sheath. These cells speed up the electrical signals (action potentials) that travel down an axon. Without oligodendrocytes, an action potential would travel down an axon 30 times slower!

The sensation of pain occurs when neural pathways conduct excitation generated by tissue damage to the spinal cord, where the nociceptive information is pre-processed. From there, the information is transmitted to the brain, where the sensation of “pain” is finally created. This is the general belief...

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