New Pulsar Wind Nebula tagged posts

Astronomers Detect New Pulsar Wind Nebula and its Associated Pulsar

Astronomers detect new pulsar wind nebula and its associated pulsar
Composite image of the Galactic plane region and Potoroo, with the red layer showing the ASKAP total intensity image at 1368 MHz, and the green and blue layers representing WISE infrared images at 12 µm and 22 µm respectively. Known Galactic SNRs are indicated by red circles (Green, 2019, 2022), while known Galactic HII regions are marked by green circles (Anderson et al., 2014). The box highlights the section of deep interest. The inset is the ASKAP zoomed-in image showing Potoroo where a red cross marks the position of the X-ray source, while a red dashed line is Potoroo’s axis of symmetry, which corresponds to the tail length studied in this paper. Credit: arXiv (2023). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2312.06961

Astronomers from the Western Sydney University in Australia and elsewhere repor...

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