new tunneling state of water tagged posts

New State of Water Molecule discovered

ORNL researchers discover new state of water molecule

ORNL researchers discovered that water in beryl displays some unique and unexpected characteristics. Credit: Jeff Scovil

Neutron scattering and computational modeling have revealed unique and unexpected behavior of water molecules under extreme confinement that is unmatched by any known gas, liquid or solid states. A new tunneling state of water molecules confined in hexagonal ultra-small channels – 5 angstrom across – of the mineral beryl. An angstrom is 1/10-billionth of a meter, and individual atoms are typically about 1 angstrom in diameter. The discovery demonstrates features of water under ultra confinement in rocks, soil and cell walls, which scientists predict will be of interest across many disciplines.

“At low temperatures, this tunneling water exhibits quantum motion through the...

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