next generation abrasion-resistant materials tagged posts

Magnetic Teeth hold Promise for Materials and Energy

A single chiton tooth, showing the magnetite cusp.
Credit: Kisailus Biomimetics & Nanostructured Materials Lab

A mollusk with teeth that can grind down rock may hold the key to making next generation abrasion-resistant materials and nanoscale materials for energy. The mollusk, called a gumboot chiton, scrapes algae off ocean rocks using a specialized set of teeth made from the magnetic mineral magnetite. The teeth have the maximum hardness and stiffness of any known biomineral. Although magnetite is a geologic mineral commonly found in Earth’s crust, only a few animals are known to produce it, and little is known about how they make it.

A better understanding of the biomineralization process, combined with a thorough understanding of chiton tooth architecture and mechanics, could h...

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