next-generation mediclal materials tagged posts

Spinning Artificial Spider Silk into Next-Generation Medical Materials

A microscope image of several small, pyramid shaped needles with thin strands being pulled from them.
Scientists are creating artificial spider silk by drawing strands from an array of tiny hollow needles, as shown here, similar to how arachnids do it.
Adapted from ACS Nano 2024, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c08557

It’s almost time to dust off the Halloween decorations and adorn the house with all manner of spooky things, including the classic polyester spider webs. Scientists reporting in ACS Nano have made their own version of fake spider silk, but this one consists of proteins and heals wounds instead of haunting hallways. The artificial silk is strong enough to be woven into bandages that helped treat hoint injuries and skin lesions in mice.

Spider silk is one of the strongest materials on Earth, technically stronger than steel for a material of its size.

However, it’s tough to obtai...

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