Next Generation Microelectronics tagged posts

A Possible Game Changer for Next Generation Microelectronics

Multicolor patterns of arrows in pointing across, down. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)
Magnetic fields created by skyrmions in two-dimensional sheet of material composed of iron, germanium and tellurium. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)

Researchers have discovered new properties of tiny magnetic whirlpools called skyrmions. Their pivotal discovery could lead to a new generation of microelectronics for memory storage with vastly improved energy efficiency in high performance computers.

Magnets generate invisible fields that attract certain materials. A common example is fridge magnets. Far more important to our everyday lives, magnets also can store data in computers. Exploiting the direction of the magnetic field (say, up or down), microscopic bar magnets each can store one bit of memory as a zero or a one — the language of computers.

Scientists at the U.S...

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