next generation transistors tagged posts

Engineers Grow ‘Perfect’ Atom-Thin Materials on Industrial Silicon Wafers

A pink wafer has square holes in a grid. The wafer is repeated 3 times. On top left, green and white atoms randomly float around the wafer. In the middle, the atoms line up inside the square holes in triangular formations. On the right, a closeup shows the perfectly lined-up rows of atoms.
Caption:By depositing atoms on a wafer coated in a “mask” (top left), MIT engineers can corral the atoms in the mask’s individual pockets (center middle), and encourage the atoms to grow into perfect, 2D, single-crystalline layers (bottom right).
Credits:Courtesy of the researchers. Edited by MIT News.

Their technique could allow chip manufacturers to produce next generation transistors based on materials other than silicon. Engineers fabricated 2D materials that could lead to next-generation transistors and electronic films.

True to Moore’s Law, the number of transistors on a microchip has doubled every year since the 1960s...

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