NGC 1624-2 tagged posts

Hot, Dense material surrounds O-type Star with largest Magnetic Field known

The magnetic field of the O-type star called NGC 1624-2 is unusually large for its class. Credit: SOHO/[instrument] Consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

The magnetic field of the O-type star called NGC 1624-2 is unusually large for its class. Credit: SOHO/[instrument] Consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

Findings have implications on evolution of massive stars. Observations revealed that the unusually large magnetosphere around an O-type star NGC 1624-2 contains a raging storm of extreme stellar winds and dense plasma that gobbles up X-rays before they can escape into space. Florida Institute of Technology Assistant Professor Véronique Petit and team may help scientists better understand the lifecycle of certain massive stars, which are essential for creating metals needed for the formation of other stars and planets.

The massive O-type star – the hottest and brightest type of star in the univers...

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