NGC 3258 tagged posts

ALMA dives into Black Hole’s ‘Sphere of Influence’

Telescope (NASA/ESA); Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey

ALMA has made the most precise measurements of cold gas swirling around a supermassive black hole – the cosmic behemoth at the center of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 3258. What happens inside a black hole stays inside a black hole, but what happens inside a black hole’s “sphere of influence” – the innermost region of a galaxy where a black hole’s gravity is the dominant force – is of intense interest to astronomers and can help determine the mass of a black hole as well as its impact on its galactic neighborhood.

Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) provide an unprecedented close-up view of a swirling disk of cold interstellar gas rotating around a supermassive black hole...

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