NGC6101 tagged posts

Ripples in fabric of Space-time? 100s of undiscovered black holes

Hubble Space Telescope Observation of the central region of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6101: Compared to the majority of Galactic globular clusters, NGC 6101 shows a less concentrated distribution of observable stars. Credit: NASA

Hubble Space Telescope Observation of the central region of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6101: Compared to the majority of Galactic globular clusters, NGC 6101 shows a less concentrated distribution of observable stars. Credit: NASA

Globular clusters are spherical collections of stars which orbit around a galactic centre such as our Milky-way galaxy. Using advanced computer simulations, the team at the University of Surrey were able to see the un-see-able by mapping a globular cluster known as NGC 6101, from which the existence of black holes within the system was deduced. These black holes are a few times larger than the Sun, and form in the gravitational collapse of massive stars at the end of their lives...

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