Nitric oxide tagged posts

Molecular ‘Xulprit’ caught driving Cell Death and Inflammation

•IFNγ and TLR signaling causes cell death via caspase-8, iNOS, and BAX/BAK
•Caspase-8 regulates BCL2 and iNOS expression to activate BAX/BAK independent of BID
•iNOS causes caspase-8 cleavage and destabilizes the BAX/BAK inhibitors MCL1 and A1
•Caspase-8 and iNOS promote severe disease upon SARS-CoV-2 infection of mice

A WEHI-led study has identified a molecular ‘culprit’ responsible for causing damaging levels of cell death and inflammation in the body. The findings could lead to improved treatment options for a range of conditions driven by inflammatory cell death, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Cell death is an important part of the body’s immune response to infection...

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Depression linked to Reduced Arginine levels

. Global arginine bioavailability ratio is decreased in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2018; 229: 145 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.12.030

. Global arginine bioavailability ratio is decreased in patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2018; 229: 145 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.12.030

People suffering from major depressive disorder, MDD, have reduced arginine levels, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows. Arginine is an amino acid which the body uses to produce, e.g., nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, in turn, is a nervous system and immune defence mediator, and it also plays a role in vascular regulation. The global arginine bioavailability ratio, GABR, is an indicator of the body’s arginine levels, and the ratio has previously been used to measure the body’s capacity to produce nitric oxide...

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Beetroot Juice Improves Sprinting and Decision-Making during Exercise

Beetroot juice improves sprinting and decision-making during exercise

Beetroot juice enhances performance

Resesarch adds further weight to the case for beetroot juice as a superfood for elite and amateur sports players and athletes. Previously, the team at Exeter has regular beetroot juice drinks can help people to exercise for 16% longer. Drinking high nitrate beetroot juice improves both sprint performance and decision-making during prolonged intermittent exercise such as rugby and football. In the latest study,16 male team sport players received 140ml of Beet It Sport, high nitrate beetroot juice for seven days.

On day 7, the sportsmen, who were all members of rugby, hockey or football teams, completed an intermittent sprint test which consisted of two 40 minute sessions of repeated 2 minute blocks...

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