non-classical MHC class 1 tagged posts

Scientists find Microbes on the Skin of Mice promote tissue Healing, Immunity

Highlights • Non-classical MHC class I molecules promote homeostatic immunity to the microbiota • Commensal-specific T cells express immunoregulatory and tissue repair signatures • Commensal-specific T cells accelerate wound closure

Highlights • Non-classical MHC class I molecules promote homeostatic immunity to the microbiota • Commensal-specific T cells express immunoregulatory and tissue repair signatures • Commensal-specific T cells accelerate wound closure

Insights may inform wound management techniques. Beneficial bacteria on the skin of lab mice work with the animals’ immune systems to defend against disease-causing microbes and accelerate wound healing, according to new research from scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health. Researchers say untangling similar mechanisms in humans may improve approaches to managing skin wounds and treating other damaged tissues.

Like humans and other mammals, mice are inhabited by the microbiome...

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