nonreciprocal transmission of waves tagged posts

Researchers Invent Breakthrough Millimeter-wave Circulator IC

Chip microphotograph of the 25GHz fully-integrated non-reciprocal passive magnetic-free 45nm SOI CMOS circulator based on spatio-temporal conductivity modulation. —Photo credit: Tolga Dinc/Columbia Engineering

Chip microphotograph of the 25GHz fully-integrated non-reciprocal passive magnetic-free 45nm SOI CMOS circulator based on spatio-temporal conductivity modulation. —Photo credit: Tolga Dinc/Columbia Engineering

First circulator on a silicon chip at mm-wave frequencies (near and above 30GHz) that enables nonreciprocal transmission of waves: device could enable two-way radios and transform 5g networks, self-driving cars, automotive radar and virtual reality. Most devices are reciprocal: signals travel in the same manner in forward and reverse directions. Nonreciprocal devices, such as circulators, on the other hand, allow forward and reverse signals to traverse different paths and therefore be separated.

Traditionally, nonreciprocal devices have been built from special magnetic materials t...

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