numerical reasoning tagged posts

Both Hemispheres of the Brain Process Numbers

Magnetic resonance images of the human brain. Researchers of the Jena University and the Jena University Hospital discovered that the visual processing of numbers takes place in both hemispheres of the brain. Credit: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU

Magnetic resonance images of the human brain. Researchers of the Jena University and the Jena University Hospital discovered that the visual processing of numbers takes place in both hemispheres of the brain. Credit: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU

Researchers have located an important region for the visual processing of numbers in the human brain and showed that it is active in both hemispheres. The scientists published high resolution magnetic resonance recordings of this region. The human brain works with division of labour. Although our thinking organ excels in displaying amazing flexibility and plasticity, typically different areas of the brain take over different tasks.

While words and language are mainly being processed in the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere is responsible for numerical ...

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