Obj-SCD tagged posts

Objective Subtle Cognitive Difficulties predict Amyloid Accumulation and Neurodegeneration

A rendering of amyloid protein plaques accumulating between neurons in the brain
A rendering of amyloid protein plaques accumulating between neurons in the brain. Credit: National Institute of Aging

Rresearchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System report that accumulating amyloid – an abnormal protein linked to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) – occurred faster among persons deemed to have “objectively-defined subtle cognitive difficulties” (Obj-SCD) than among persons considered to be “cognitively normal.”

Classification of Obj-SCD, which has been previously shown to predict progression to mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, is determined using non-invasive but sensitive neuropsychological measures, including measures of how efficiently someone learns ...

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