OCD tagged posts

US Patient ‘Happy Again’ after Brain Implant Treats Epilepsy and OCD

Dr. Ahmed Raslan, professor of neurological surgery, talks about the placement of a brain implant with patient Amber Pearson
Dr. Ahmed Raslan, professor of neurological surgery, talks about the placement of a brain implant with patient Amber Pearson.

American Amber Pearson used to wash her hands until they bled, terrified by the idea of contamination from everyday items, a debilitating result of her obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

But the repetitive rituals of her condition are largely consigned to memory, thanks to a revolutionary brain implant that is being used to treat both her epilepsy and her OCD.

“I’m actually present in my daily life and that’s incredible,” the 34-year-old told AFP.

“Before, I was just constantly in my head worrying about my compulsions.”

Brain implants have hit the headlines recently with Elon Musk’s announcement that his Neuralink company had placed a chip in a pat...

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