Off-Patent Liver Disease Drug tagged posts

Off-Patent Liver Disease Drug could Prevent COVID-19 Infection and Protect against Future Variants, researchers find

Close up of bile duct/liver organoid infected with SARS-CoV-2 – red indicates the virus. (Credit: Teresa Brevini)

Unique experiments involved ‘mini-organs’, animal research, donated human organs, volunteers and patients. Cambridge scientists have identified an off-patent drug that can be repurposed to prevent COVID-19 — and may be capable of protecting against future variants of the virus — in research involving a unique mix of ‘mini-organs’, donor organs, animal studies and patients.

The research, published today in Nature, showed that an existing drug used to treat a type of liver disease is able to ‘lock’ the doorway by which SARS-CoV-2 enters our cells, a receptor on the cell surface known as ACE2...

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