oleic acid tagged posts

Olive Oil nutrient linked to processes that prevent Cancer in Brain

Highlights • OA inhibits the binding of proteins containing RRM. • OA rescues processing of pri-miR-7 in vitro. • OA induces mature miR-7 production in HeLa cells.

•OA inhibits the binding of proteins containing RRM.
•OA rescues processing of pri-miR-7 in vitro.
•OA induces mature miR-7 production in HeLa cells.

A compound found in olive oil may help to prevent cancer developing in the brain, a study shows. Research into oleic acid – the primary ingredient in olive oil – has shown how it can help prevent cancer-causing genes from functioning in cells. The oily substance – a fatty acids – stimulates the production of a cell molecule whose function is to prevent cancer-causing proteins from forming.

The study team says it is too soon to say whether dietary consumption of olive oil may help prevent brain cancer. Their findings, however, point towards possible therapies based on the oil to prevent brain cancer from occurring...

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On the Path to Molecular Robots

Microscopy of self-oscillation of the crystalline assembly. A crystalline assembly of azobenzene derivative and oleate showed oscillatory bending-unbending motion under continuous 435-nm light irradiation. The frequency of oscillation increased with increasing light intensity. Credit: Copyright Ikegami T. et. al., Angewandte Chemie International Edition, May 19, 2016

Microscopy of self-oscillation of the crystalline assembly. A crystalline assembly of azobenzene derivative and oleate showed oscillatory bending-unbending motion under continuous 435-nm light irradiation. The frequency of oscillation increased with increasing light intensity. Credit: Copyright Ikegami T. et. al., Angewandte Chemie International Edition, May 19, 2016

Scientists have developed light-powered molecular motors that repetitively bend and unbend, bringing us closer to molecular robots. Researchers are working on mimicking cellular systems to develop molecular motors that can move or even deliver drugs to target tissues. Engineering such motors may ultimately lead to molecular robots that can execute more complex tasks...

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Researchers show Transfer of Triplet Exciton Energy from Semiconductor Nanocrystals to Surface-bound Molecular Acceptors

Illustration depicting semiconductor nanocrystal to molecule triplet energy transfer and established subsequent reactions. Credit: Image generated by Dr. Cedric Mongin

Illustration depicting semiconductor nanocrystal to molecule triplet energy transfer and established subsequent reactions. Credit: Image generated by Dr. Cedric Mongin

It extends the lifetime of originally prepared excited state by 6 orders of magnitude. This has implications for solar energy conversion to photochemical synthesis to optoelectronics to light therapy for cancer Rx. Excitons are the electron/hole pairs formed in semiconductor nanocrystals upon absorption of light, temporarily storing it as chemical energy. In solar cells, for example, excitons transport energy through the material so that it can be collected and converted into electricity.

In terms of photochemistry, the major drawback to using most semiconductor nanocrystals as photosensitizers lies in their short excited st...

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Alzheimer’s disease thought to be Accelerated by an Abnormal Build-up of Fatty Acids in the Brain

Early NSC impairment in 3xTg-AD mice correlates with SVZ niche lipid accumulations • Similar lipid accumulations are found in the SVZ in postmortem human AD brains • Accumulating SVZ lipids are locally generated, oleic acid-enriched triglycerides • Inhibiting oleic acid signaling or synthesis rescues NSC defects in 3xTg-AD mice

Highlights •Early neural stem cell NSC impairment in 3xTg-AD mice correlates with SVZ subventricular zone niche lipid accumulations •Similar lipid accumulations are found in the SVZ in postmortem human AD brains •Accumulating SVZ lipids are locally generated, oleic acid-enriched triglycerides •Inhibiting oleic acid signaling or synthesis rescues NSC defects in 3xTg-AD mice Credit: Fernandes et al. Aberrant Lipid Metabolism in the Forebrain Niche Suppresses Adult Neural Stem Cell Proliferation in an Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Cell Stem Cell, 27 August 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2015.08.001

For the 1st time since the disease was described 109 years ago, researchers have discovered accumulations of fat droplets/ lipids in the brain of patients who died from the disease and h...

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