optical fibre-based modulators tagged posts

Researchers make a significant step towards reliably Processing Quantum Information

Green laser light is the correct energy to manipulate the energy states of barium ions.

New optical system designed to target and control individual atoms. Using laser light, researchers have developed the most robust method currently known to control individual qubits made of the chemical element barium. The ability to reliably control a qubit is an important achievement for realizing future functional quantum computers.

This new method, developed at the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), uses a small glass waveguide to separate laser beams and focus them four microns apart, about four-hundredths of the width of a single human hair. The precision and extent to which each focused laser beam on its target qubit can be controlled in parallel is unmatched by previous research.

“Our design limits the amount of crosstalk-the amount of light ...

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