optoelectronics tagged posts

Quantum Dots form Ordered Material

Electron microscope images showing two of the ordered structures formed in the experiments. Atoms inside the quantum dots are resolved by the microscope and it can be seen that they are aligned throughout adjacent dots. A model of the device used for the measurement of the electronic properties is shown in the bottom right. The superlattice lies between two electrodes while an ionic gel on top (gate electrode) is used to accumulate carriers in the active material.
Electron microscope images showing two of the ordered structures formed in the experiments. Atoms inside the quantum dots are resolved by the microscope and it can be seen that they are aligned throughout adjacent dots. A model of the device used for the measurement of the electronic properties is shown in the bottom right. The superlattice lies between two electrodes while an ionic gel on top (gate electrode) is used to accumulate carriers in the active material. | Illustration Jacopo Pinna

Finding paves the way for new generation of opto-electronic applications. Quantum dots are clusters of some 1,000 atoms which act as one large ‘super-atom’. It is possible to accurately design the electronic properties of these dots just by changing their size...

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New Strategy for Efficient OLED Active Matrix Displays

The device architecture of organic permeable base light-emitting transistors (OPB-LET).

Researchers introduce a novel device concept towards high-efficient and low-voltage vertical organic lighting-emitting transistors. With the new device architecture and fabrication technology, the team paves the way for a broad application of efficient OLED active matrix displays.

In the group of Prof. Karl Leo, physicists, material scientists and engineers are working jointly on the development of novel organic materials and devices for high performance, flexible and possibly even biocompatible electronics and optoelectronics of the future. Increasing the performance of organic devices is one of the key challenges in their research. It was only last year, when the team headed by Dr...

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A new Twist on DNA Origami

Models and transmission electron microscopy images of various 3D polyhedra that were constructed by connecting the self-linked triangular M-DNA and rectangular M-DNA. From left to right: a tetrahedron, triangular bipyramid, octahedron, pentagonal bipyramid, triangular prism, rectangular prism, pentagonal prism and hexagonal prism

Meta-DNA structures transform the DNA nanotechnology world...

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When Semiconductors stick together, materials go Quantum

The twist angle formed between atomically thin layers of tungsten disulfide and tungsten diselenide acts as a “tuning knob,” turning ordinary semiconductors into an exotic quantum material.
Credit: Berkeley Lab

A new study reveals how aligned layers of atomically thin semiconductors can yield an exotic new quantum material. A team of researchers led by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has developed a simple method that could turn ordinary semiconducting materials into quantum machines – superthin devices marked by extraordinary electronic behavior. Such an advancement could help to revolutionize a number of industries aiming for energy-efficient electronic systems – and provide a platform for exotic new physics.

The study describing th...

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