or NAC tagged posts

Boosting Levels of known Antioxidant may help Resist Age-related Decline

The chemical structure of glutathione, an antioxidant that may help resist the toxins that are an underlying cause of aging. Credit: Graphic courtesy of Oregon State University

The chemical structure of glutathione, an antioxidant that may help resist the toxins that are an underlying cause of aging. Credit: Graphic courtesy of Oregon State University

OSU researchers have found that a specific detoxification compound, glutathione, helps resist the toxic stresses of everyday life – but its levels decline with age and this sets the stage for a wide range of age-related health problems. A new study also highlighted a compound – N-acetyl-cysteine, or NAC — that is already used in high doses in medical detoxification emergencies. But the researchers said that at much lower levels NAC might help maintain glutathione levels and prevent the routine metabolic declines associated with aging.

Decline of these detoxification pathways are causally linked to cardiovascular dis...

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