orbital motion between two supermassive black holes tagged posts

Groundbreaking Discovery Confirms existence of Orbiting Supermassive Black Holes

Groundbreaking discovery confirms existence of orbiting supermassive black holes

Artist’s conception shows two supermassive black holes, similar to those observed by UNM researchers, orbiting one another more than 750 million light years from Earth. Credit: Joshua Valenzuela/UNM

For the first time ever, astronomers at The University of New Mexico say they’ve been able to observe and measure the orbital motion between two supermassive black holes hundreds of millions of light years from Earth – a discovery more than a decade in the making. In early 2016, an international team, including a UNM alumnus, working on the LIGO project detected gravitational waves, confirming Albert Einstein’s 100-year-old prediction. These waves were the result two stellar mass black holes (~30 solar mass) colliding in space within the Hubble time...

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